What is Molluscum?

Molluscum is a common and contagious virus that is part of the POX family. It is commonly found in children 2-12 years old. It is characterized by hard waxy, and often white, pink or skin coloured dome-like spots or bumps with small indent or dimples in the centre. The Molluscum spots usually cause no discomfort, but they can cause itching in some cases, which leads to further spreading. Molluscum contagiosum spreads very quickly via contact or fomites. The virus only lives in the top layer of the epidermis and does not circulate in the blood. The most contagious part of the molluscum spot or blemish is contained in the core where the viral matter is stored, thus the potential for spread upon disruption.
The Molluscum spots can be unsightly and present anywhere on the body, including the genitals. The only place molluscum contagiosum generally will not be found are the soles of the feet and palms of the suffers hands. The reason for this is still unknown.
Many brands out there will claim that they have unlocked the secret cure for Molluscum, but sadly, the virus is different for everyone and part of the Molluscum Journey once you have it is figuring out what will work for your unique skin.
It can feel a bit hopeless, and you probably just want to read the words- "here this will sort it", but we cannot claim to cure or even treat- Our product may help to encourage the skin's natural repair response and supports the skin during this process.
The virus sucks, and so do the Molluscum spots that accompany it. Our formulation is 1/2 the cost of most options out there, and we have included shipping to keep things easy.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! hello@molluscumclear.co.nz